Welcome to 10zyme’s Education Station

At 10zyme, we recognise the lack of reliable resources on crucial health topics relating to cervical health such as human papillomavirus (HPV), related cancers – including cervical cancer, and cervical screening.

That’s why we’ve created the Education Station – a comprehensive knowledge hub.

Our in-depth articles, engaging blogs, informative guides, and other valuable resources will answer your questions and provide peace of mind.

*unless testing positive for high-risk HPV then a follow up appointment will be required.

What we do at 10zyme

We’re dedicated to making cervical screening more accessible to everyone.

No one looks forward to attending a ‘smear’ test. Taking time off of work, organising childcare, booking an appointment at a convenient time. Not to mention the discomfort of an intimate examination by a stranger, there’s also the anxiety-inducing wait for results.

At 10zyme, we understand that there’s a better, simpler solution.

Our self-test lets you take care of your cervical health on your terms.

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